Chest cavity cracks,
fire burbling up from deep caves-
scorched smile, love flows out.
In Between Stories by Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)
Don't think of him as a seeker, though.
Whatever he's looking for, he is that himself.
How can a lover be anything but the beloved?
Every second he's bowing into a mirror.
If he could see for just a second one molecule
of what's there without fantasizing about it,
he'd explode.
His imagination, and he himself,
would vanish, with all his knowledge, obliterated
into a new birth, a perfectly clear view,
a voice that says, I am God.
That same voice told the angels to bow to Adam,
because they were identical with Adam.
It's the voice that first said,
There is no Reality but God.
There is only God.